Note: a printable/desktop full version of our annual report is here.
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to present you with Mile High Ministries’ Annual Report from our fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. We are honored to be your partners in loving our city’s people—including many who struggle with the effects of homelessness, violence, and other forms of trauma.
Last year, Denver’s mayor asked the faith community to join a groundbreaking effort to get Denverites off the street and into safe, affordable housing. In collaboration with others and support from you, we’re grateful to have done our own significant part:
- We opened Clara Brown Commons with 61 apartments and 17 townhomes.
- At Joshua Station we offered a home for almost a dozen migrant families who squeezed in next to our other formerly unhoused families. The blend of cultures brought challenges—and unexpected blessings.
- Churches and schools looked to our Abundant Ground program for guidance on how to leverage underutilized land for affordable housing and other ways of caring.
Every bit of this work was a manifestation of your generosity and encouragement. As always, the main message of this report is very simple: Thank you!
Blessings and peace,
Jeff Johnsen
Executive Director
We want to share our delight in our residents’ many successes! Here are just a few examples of the fruit of their hard work and your loving partnership with them:
90 youth and 110 adults moved into long-term stable housing at Clara Brown Commons. 25,004 safe nights were spent by 116 residents living at Joshua Station. 8 families graduated the Joshua Station program and 100% moved into stable housing. 84% of the 17 families that graduated within the last 3 years remain in stable housing.
Adult Education and Employment
Of the 37 able-bodied parents at Joshua Station, 64% secured or maintained employment. 40% enrolled in programs such as college, GED, ESL, and basic literacy classes, and career training. 83% completed life skills training courses. 13 residents received scholarships to support their education through the Joshua Station Empowerment Scholarship.
Youth Education and Enrichment
Of the 37 able-bodied parents at Joshua Station, 64% secured or maintained employment. 40% enrolled in programs such as college, GED, ESL, and basic literacy classes, and career training. 83% completed life skills training courses. 13 residents received scholarships to support their education through the Joshua Station Empowerment Scholarship.
Mental Health
83% of parents and 80% of children reported improved feelings of mental well-being as a result of our counseling program. 68 residents (children and adults) attended 740 individual counseling sessions, and 65 residents attended 652 group counseling sessions. 12 parents completed parenting classes.
Asylum-Seeking Families
7 asylum-seeking families received long-term comprehensive services—including housing, case management, system navigation, mental health services, and educational support for children.
Alumni Engagement and Support
184 former residents received ongoing services in their transition to stable housing, including: 21 individuals in 137 counseling sessions, 23 with ongoing advocacy, 5 youth in summer camp, 47 youth with school supplies, and 183 with Christmas Store shopping.
Volunteers Make the Difference
760 volunteers gave 2,910 hours of service with building and property maintenance, childcare, life skills training, tutoring, youth mentoring, fundraising, and more. Volunteers provided and served more than 2,880 resident meals on Thursday nights.
Thank You, Generous Donors
You made so much possible!
608 total Mile High Ministries donors—a wide base of support from all walks of life
104 donors to our newly-opened Clara Brown Commons—you got us off to a great start with support-enriched housing that heals
286 donors who have given for at least 10 years—wonderful faithfulness and trust!
Financial Report
July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
Operating Net Income
In-Kind Donations
Depreciation (est.)