Women’s Village Breaks Ground at Clara Brown Commons

We’re excited to hear the first hammers and saws of the project! Fourteen temporary, relocatable homes will make up the transformational community known as Women’s Village at Clara Brown Commons. The Mortenson Company kicked off construction with a volunteer day in July, and the “tiny homes” are already taking shape.

Women experiencing homelessness will move into the Village this fall, and stay for the two-year construction phase of our block in northeast Denver. For some, the next step may be permanent housing at Clara Brown Commons in 2023, which will feature 61 apartments affordable for low-income residents and 17 townhomes. As of this week, we’re getting closer to our capital campaign goal – with just $280,000 remaining to reach $4.1M. In the meantime, the land is being put to this wonderful use!

The Women’s Village, an initiative of our partners at Colorado Village Collaborative, represents an alternative sheltering solution for people experiencing homelessness. Residents will find stability and dignity as they work to transition from the streets to stable housing.

This private space to rest and heal will allow women a chance to safely navigate the COVID pandemic, which disproportionately affects homeless individuals. The Women’s Village common house will include showers, bathrooms, and cleaning supplies. Staff will assist community members with information about health care and housing benefits, connect them with job opportunities, provide emotional support, facilitate community activities. Staff and residents will be committed to the safety of the village and the surrounding Cole neighborhood.

“We’re pleased to be partnered with Mile High Ministries to bring light and life to a piece of the earth that has been empty for so many years,” says Colorado Village Collaborative executive director Cole Chandler.

“Now this land has a new story, and the people this land gives life to will have a new story as well.”

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