Welcoming Prayer in the Discomfort of my Racism

“The key to moving forward is what we do with our discomfort.” —Robin Diangelo

Welcome, welcome, welcome. 

I welcome you, discomfort.
I welcome you, anger.
I welcome you, sadness.
Teach me. What do you want to show me?

(Wait. Listen. Linger.)

I let go of my desire for security—and my fatigue in risk-taking.
I let go of my desire for approval—to be seen as “woke,” important, and wise.
I let go of my desire for control—and my check boxes for doing good.
I let go of my desire to rid myself of this discomfort too quickly.

I open myself to the loving presence of God.
I open myself to the Spirit’s correction, grace, and guidance.
I open myself to the diverse human family.
I open myself to becoming a life-long learner.


Robin Diangelo, “White Fragility” (Beacon Press, 2018. Loc. 442). This welcoming praying Adapted from Kelly Aalseth “A Prayer for Lingering in Racial Discomfort,” which in turn was adapted from Mary Mrozowski.

More exploration of the Welcoming Prayer, a daily shared practice of our staff team, can be found in our book Beyond Our Efforts: A Celebration of Denver Peacemaking.

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