The Camp that Almost Wasn’t

What a summer for our Joshua Station kids!

“Water Day” in our courtyard was a grand celebration of all the fun, friendships, skills, and learning that broke forth every day in the past weeks. Just look at the joy on these faces.

And to think it almost fell through…

Literally the week before “JS Summer Camp” activities were to launch, our Educational Liaison Benjamin Armas faced mountain camps cancelled, volunteers unable to commit, and multiple Plan Bs looking iffy. One sensible idea on the table was to scale way back to a few occasional activities. But there was resolve in Benjamin’s voice. “We’re going to go for it. Every day. With every age group, toddlers to teens. The whole thing!” He knew how much each child was looking forward to it, and what it meant to each parent.

Benjamin willed it into happening, and people came alongside. Finances were available, thanks to our donors’ big generosity. Got enough cars for the Lair O’ the Bear hike tomorrow? “Nope, but it’s gonna work out,” Benjamin would say. And there they were in the morning – cars plus loving volunteers with their dogs in tow for companionship on the adventure.

Science. Culture. Arts. Music. New food. Nature. Sports. Relationship skills. Bonds of family and friends.

Who stepped up the most? Families themselves. Teens taking leadership, and parents sharing gifts and skills.

Within Mile High Ministries we always talk about “a spirituality of abundance.” God’s abundance, poured out through many lavish channels. We’re always growing in trust. And we always have much to celebrate! Here we are with gratitude again.

Shortly our families will be prepping for school. Already? The healing and growing continues for our residents, who didn’t skip a single beat in the summer.

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