Spring Thanks

Our generous and dedicated donors gave over  $84,000 during our Spring Into Action campaign!   This will provide timely and vital support for each of our resident families rebuilding from homelessness, in our safe and supportive community at Joshua Station. We didn’t quite reach our budgeted goal of $100,000, so we’ll be trusting for additional […]

Infectious Gratitude at Joshua Station

LeeAnna has never known Joshua Station without Covid. Which means, she’s never been to our big Thursday night dinners, never hung out with other families in the dining room after cooking her meals in the community kitchen, and never met with her Joshua Station therapist outside of Zoom. She hasn’t shared hugs with staff or […]

Something Every Single Day

“I just love Jayde,” says Joshua Station family advocate Denise Vaughn. “She’s a wonderful person and we connect on a deep soul level. I admire so many things about her.” Tenacity. Warmth. Thoughtfulness. Caring. Jayde is definitely making the most of her time as a resident in the Joshua Station program. “She keeps her eyes […]

You’re invited to Spring Into Action

I’d like to invite you to Spring Into Action with us at Joshua Station—by considering a generous donation. Once again this year, our Spring Theater fundraising event is cancelled, and once again we’re trusting the generosity to overflow! I’d love to share about why and how our families would welcome your partnership at this time. This spring feels […]

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