Gwyndalyn Blazing

Gwyndalyn Blazing

When Gwyndalyn found her family after walking across the stage and accepting her diploma, they were sobbing. “I do realize it IS a huge accomplishment in my family,” Gwyndalyn says. “My sister and I are the first generation in my entire family to graduate from high school. Looking back, it is amazing with all the […]

Whole Lotta Pomp at Joshua Station

Whole Lotta Pomp at Joshua Station

Down the staircase, each family came, to raucous cheers. In turn, each stepped to their individually-chosen walkup music, and then faced the beaming crowd of well-wishers. Six families we couldn’t be prouder of! Each one has navigated a whole lotta circumstances to graduate from Joshua Station’s program. From the challenges that led to their homelessness, […]

Sarah’s Ready

Sarah’s Ready

“This is the best job I could have ever found!” Sarah Eckenrode’s long road toward a medical career took a huge step last week. She started full-time as a Certified Medical Assistant at Anschutz Medical Campus College of Nursing, Belleview Point Clinic. “I’m really excited,” says Sarah. “It’s a nurse-led clinic, and the nurse who […]

Families Feeding Families

I’ve always had a hospitality bone,” says Samantha (Sam) Glenn. Joshua Station kids are helping her fill plates for community dinner—joining in the joy of serving their neighbors. Sam is Chief Operating Officer of Modern Plate, a Denver-based meal delivery service dedicated to family-style meals. Meals are prepared in a large commercial kitchen, packaged for […]

Homes are Key to Health

“I’d like to be healthier,” most of us would say – whatever our current level of physical health. Many of us are blessed with pathways for that to happen, with the primary barrier simply being our motivation level and priorities. For a great number of our neighbors, however, personal motivation is NOT the primary barrier. […]

Is THIS what you’ve been talking about?

We overheard the question, from one resident to another, during our Joshua Station summer activities kickoff. What a fun and glorious day of neighbors enjoying neighbors in our beautiful courtyard! Kids playing together with hula hoops and frisbees. Staff, volunteers, and residents sharing stories. Food and laughter. Pies in staff members faces. (Amy and Benjamin […]

The Most Important Thing

“I’ve finally figured out the most important thing you do here.” A Joshua Station resident certainly got my attention with that line, and I leaned in for what was next.  The most important thing? “You love us, so that we can learn to love ourselves.” Our residents’ most urgent and visible need is secure housing. […]

Springtime Prayer

As prayerful urban activists, our Mile High Ministries team cultivates an appreciation for the vitality of the human-built environment of our city—a daily urban system buzzing with life. But we never forget that we are even more deeply situated within the sacred environs of earth and sky. We share life with our resident families along […]

Sights Set High

Aaliyah comes from a very high achieving family. So it’s no surprise that this month, she is graduating from high school. Our whole Joshua Station community is inspired, and we’re celebrating with her! Along with three younger kids in her family, Aaliyah’s academic work has been outstanding and now she is finishing well. Of course, […]

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