Making It Home

Making It Home

Where did you live between ages 7 and 12? How was the house (or apartment etc.) heated? In or out of your house, who was the center of warmth? In your house now, what is one physical feature and one practice that makes your house feel like home? Recently our staff had fun (with a […]

Glittering, Swirling, Settling

Glittering, Swirling, Settling

With a shake of the glass jar, glitter swirls in liquid and sparkles in the sunlight. Slowly, slowly, it settles. With another shake it churns again, and resettles. With a fun activity, Joshua Station residents are learning practical tools for managing stress and emotions. “It’s nice to share with them a physical reminder of the […]

High Achiever

High Achiever

Feeling sticky-hot in her gown, Ashley Miller walked across the stage to receive her diploma from Metropolitan State University. She never felt prouder. Along the way to her bachelor’s degree in human services with a concentration in addictions counseling, she received just one B grade—her lowest. Ashley now sports some shiny Latin—Magna Cum Laude. Just […]

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