Stirrings at the Sand and Sage

Stirrings at the Sand and Sage

Dear Friends,  I’d like to tell you a tale of the Sand and Sage—a saga still unfolding. Not because I’m an ‘ol cowboy (which I actually am, hailing from sagebrush country in rural Yampa, Colorado). Rather, because in this old-timey East Colfax motel, seeds of Joshua Station and Clara Commons were planted in our imaginations. […]

Celebrating a Great Life Today

Celebrating a Great Life Today

Dear Friends,  I’ll never tire of hearing about Clara Brown, or retelling her extraordinary story. “Aunt Clara” is the namesake of the affordable housing we’re building. We often commemorate famous people on the anniversary of their birth. Yet Clara did not know the date, or even for certain the year, of her own birth. What […]

Glittering, Swirling, Settling

Glittering, Swirling, Settling

With a shake of the glass jar, glitter swirls in liquid and sparkles in the sunlight. Slowly, slowly, it settles. With another shake it churns again, and resettles. With a fun activity, Joshua Station residents are learning practical tools for managing stress and emotions. “It’s nice to share with them a physical reminder of the […]

High Achiever

High Achiever

Feeling sticky-hot in her gown, Ashley Miller walked across the stage to receive her diploma from Metropolitan State University. She never felt prouder. Along the way to her bachelor’s degree in human services with a concentration in addictions counseling, she received just one B grade—her lowest. Ashley now sports some shiny Latin—Magna Cum Laude. Just […]

Gwyndalyn Blazing

Gwyndalyn Blazing

When Gwyndalyn found her family after walking across the stage and accepting her diploma, they were sobbing. “I do realize it IS a huge accomplishment in my family,” Gwyndalyn says. “My sister and I are the first generation in my entire family to graduate from high school. Looking back, it is amazing with all the […]

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