Changing Completely

It was two weeks before Christmas 2019, and I was really scared,” says Jayde Bonato. “I had nowhere to go.” Jayde’s crisis was compounded since she is mom to two boys ages 12 and 5. “[As a parent], you’re not just responsible for yourself, you’re responsible for these little people you love. And you’re like, […]

Clara Brown Day

Thank goodness for holidays, right? They break up our routines, give us a reason to gather with loved ones, and remind us of who we are and what is most important to us. Mile High Ministries is adding a holiday to our calendar: Clara Brown Day, celebrated on October 23. “Aunt Clara,” as Colorado pioneers […]

Celebrating a Great Life Today

Celebrating a Great Life Today

Dear Friends, I’ll never tire of hearing about Clara Brown, or retelling her extraordinary story. “Aunt Clara” is the namesake of the affordable housing we’re building. We often commemorate famous people on the anniversary of their birth. Yet Clara did not know the date, or even for certain the year, of her own birth. What […]

Autumn Prayer: May We Love Lavishly

Creator of the sun and moon, we raise our voice to you.     We pray, Great Spirit, that in our journey through life    We may know the harmony and rhythm of the setting sun.   We pour out our deep-seated gratitude…   For the bountiful harvest your hand has provided,   For the beauty of the dying leaves,    For our surrendering and […]

Stakes in the Ground, Part 1

Jeff Johnsen glanced around, hoping no one was watching—at least no one besides his dog Dakota. Thankfully it was almost dark. He carried wooden garden stakes in a Home Depot shopping bag. Finding a soft patch of dirt, he knelt down and began hammering a single stake. He didn’t stop pounding until it was completely […]

Families Feeding Families

I’ve always had a hospitality bone,” says Samantha (Sam) Glenn. Joshua Station kids are helping her fill plates for community dinner—joining in the joy of serving their neighbors. Sam is Chief Operating Officer of Modern Plate, a Denver-based meal delivery service dedicated to family-style meals. Meals are prepared in a large commercial kitchen, packaged for […]

Homes are Key to Health

“I’d like to be healthier,” most of us would say – whatever our current level of physical health. Many of us are blessed with pathways for that to happen, with the primary barrier simply being our motivation level and priorities. For a great number of our neighbors, however, personal motivation is NOT the primary barrier. […]

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