Stakes in the Ground, Part 2

Seventeen years ago, with no fanfare and not knowing what would become of it, Jeff Johnsen drove the first of his wooden prayer stakes into the ground in a forlorn location in northeast Denver. 

Recently, again with no fanfare, a group of us Mile High Ministries staff hammered stakes at the same spot. The dirt was hard and our hammer was little, ha! But we got each one tapped a little way down.

Written on each stake were our words of hopefulness, affirmation, and blessing. As we walked along the perimeter of the block, we took turns sharing with the group our own reflections on this moment.

We now have a much better idea—than Jeff did 17 years ago—what will become of this block. Clara Brown Commons will be built next year, with a grand opening early in 2023. It will be a supportive, affordable community with hundreds of residents, anchored by a community center. As we collaborate with these neighbors, it will embody our vision for Denver: 

A city where those who were once poor enjoy the fruit of their labor; where children of the city are no longer doomed to misfortune, but play safely in the streets under the watchful eye of healthy old men and women; where former rivals and natural enemies live and work together in peace; and where all people enjoy the experience of communion with God.*

Just as in 2004, however, we can’t begin to imagine all the possibilities the next 17 years will hold. But with open and eager hearts, we’ve hammered our stakes. 


*This vision draws its inspiration from the breathtaking image of a city of joy found in the scriptures of our faith (for instance Isaiah 65:17-25 and Zechariah 8:4-5). The vision is inclusive of all; Mile High Ministries does not require, or proselytize for, religious affiliations on the part of program participants.

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