You’re invited to Spring Into Action

I’d like to invite you to Spring Into Action with us at Joshua Station—by considering a generous donation. Once again this year, our Spring Theater fundraising event is cancelled, and once again we’re trusting the generosity to overflow! I’d love to share about why and how our families would welcome your partnership at this time.

This spring feels like none other before it at Joshua Station. It’s as if those who have been hibernating for the longest winter are awakening—re-emerging into the world ready for action. Our kids want to be outside playing together. Our parents want to connect and fully engage in their community of neighbors. Our staff wants to begin gathering, beyond pixels on our Zoom screens.  

Our kids, moms, and dads are already springing into action with outside walks, soccer balls, and hooping on our blacktop court. With warmer weather, they’re itching to plant in our gardens. They’re working hard on employment and education goals, with renewed energy. 

We’re still masked and distanced for now, but we’re beginning small group activities—and ready for so much more that will be possible soon. We all can’t wait for Thursday dinners back in the community room, in-person tutoring and counseling, nightly kitchen hangouts and casual dinners, volunteer projects and barbeques, and all daily flurry shared activities we’ve missed. We trust we’re in the home stretch of the pandemic precautions that very thankfully have kept each of our residents safe, but also have restricted much of what we do. 

We’re not simply hoping to “get back to normal,” though. I can truly say with amazement that we’ve never experienced higher spirits or more tender care among our families and staff during the pandemic. If you could be a fly on the wall and see, you’d be overcome with inspiration. “I’m here for you, just call.” “I’ve got extra.” “Let’s start a book club.” “I can teach you that.” “Can I share an idea that worked with my kids?” “I was ready to quit my classes, and here’s what helped me.” “Celebrating sobriety with you!” “It’s hard but I know you can do it!” 

We’re dreaming big with our residents—and they have big dreams. For our Education Liaison Benjamin Armas, it’s especially fun to look ahead with our youth. What would a GREAT and enriching summer look like? How about day camps packed with cooking and culture, art and music, outdoor education, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)? How about a week in the mountains with rock climbing, canoeing, white water rafting, hiking, team initiatives, ropes course, outdoor skills, Leave No Trace environmental ethics—all fostering family relationships and friendships? OH YEAH!!! 

Ten-year-old resident Nathan says he’s really excited to go fishing. “Where will we sleep?” Well Nathan, it’s going to be an adventure…. 

Volunteer Coordinator Ben Sooy is gearing up for in-person outdoor volunteer events—BBQs with Joshua Station families, cleanup and beautification projects at Joshua Station and Clara Brown Commons, and opportunities for service-learning. 

If all this awakens your heart for our families healing from homelessness, will you consider a special gift to Joshua Station at this time? Spring Theater is always such a joyful annual gathering, and it is our single biggest funding event of the year. Like last year when we needed to cancel, we’ll really miss being with you! It’s always a chance to catch up personally and to celebrate what is springing to life among our families.  

In lieu of Spring Theater, we’re aiming for $100,000 (our budgeted event income) by April 30. That’s a big ask, amid challenges many supporters have faced. The good news is that several donors have been able to jump-start us with $40,000. Can you help, with any amount you’re able, to spring us over the finish line?

Blessings and peace,

Amy Jackson

Deputy Director, MHM

Program Director, Joshua Station 

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