Reunion of Friends at Joshua Station

Reunion of Friends at Joshua Station

“This is the best day of my life!”

Young Joshua Station resident, upon exiting the bouncy castle

“I’d live here again”

Former Joshua Station resident who’s had stable housing for many years now, reflecting on his childhood at Joshua Station

“Me too”

His mom

“Do the Lion King!”

Two tiny resident audience members to our live musician Ben Sooy; when their wish was granted they twirled and danced

“Can you show me to Rich’s rock?”

Former resident beloved by Rich Erwin (as we all were), looking for his memorial stone (a staff member from the start, Rich passed away in 2013)


“Wow. All this love, all these current and former residents… and we each got to be part of it.”

Penny Salazar-Phillips, with Jan Williams and Amy Jackson—Joshua Station’s three directors over twenty years

On a chilly wet day when clouds hung low… spirits were high for Joshua Station’s 20th Anniversary Celebration and Family Carnival. What a reunion! Staff, volunteers, and donors from all 20 years. Residents from the early days, and new arrivals. Hugs were warm and delight overflowed.

We’re grateful for all we’ve experienced of God and each other in this precious place. Here’s to the next 20!

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