Resident Spotlight – Georgina

Resident Spotlight – Georgina

“The day before I came to Joshua Station, I was very scared,” says Georgina Valarde. “I started praying it would fall through.”

“Georgina’s past traumas left her extremely guarded, negative, and untrusting,” says Family Advocate Ana Reyes. “In the beginning I worked hard simply to rekindle trust.” Georgina’s start with Joshua Station was rocky, with anger and negativity affecting relationships with staff, other residents, and her own small children.

To make matters worse, Georgina developed serious medical problems. “But I really think that hard situation prompted change,” Ana reflects. Georgina awakened to how she really did value her life. She treasured her children. She considered her blessings. She expressed a desire to really work on her life. At a key juncture Ana asked her pointedly, “What do YOU think you need to do to make that happen?”

With time, everyone observed dramatic changes in Georgina. She focused on our program and her goals. “I grew calm, and my daughters also grew calm,” she says. “There were bad times, but those things happened to make me stronger and helped me believe more in God. Things happen for a reason. It made me the strong and patient person I am today.”

Several months ago, with the help of our staff and her own hard work, Georgina was able to secure her own apartment not far from Joshua Station. She loves the independence, and we stay in touch through our Integration Program (supportive aftercare program).

“That weak and fearful person [who arrived at Joshua Station]? That person is gone. I know what I want, and I know how to make good decisions. I always put God foremost, knowing that God guides me and put Joshua Station in my life. Every person who helped me, I remember very well. In everything I went through, I was supported. I have grown personally and spiritually, and I will never forget my experience at Joshua Station.”

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