Last week our Deputy Director Amy Jackson shared exciting plans for Joshua Station in 2025, and how you can participate in our Spring Into Caring fundraising campaign. (A reminder with details is below.) Big as those plans are, they are only a portion of ALL we are envisioning for this year—to provide even more housing that heals. Can I give you a peek at what else is cooking?

Organizational Expansion. In 2024 we commissioned an outside firm to study how our organization functions best, and to propose pathways for a jump in scope and effectiveness. The resulting recommendations were clear and compelling. In order to undertake major new housing projects in the coming years and enhance our current communities, we will be adding new staff leadership roles.

Clara Brown Commons Program Expansion. In 2024, after decades of praying and planning, we opened Clara Brown Commons (CBC). The apartments filled up quickly and by year’s end we had paid off our construction loans and converted to permanent financing. In 2025 we will out the programs that help residents become real neighbors and support their aspirations for healing and wholeness.

Clara Brown Commons Campus Expansion. We will initiate Phase 3 of CBC this year by building either additional program space or housing units on a remaining parcel of vacant land. For many years, we’ve gathered input about what Cole neighborhood families want and need—together with what we’re most gifted to provide. It will be an exciting addition to our 61 apartments and 17 townhouses.

Abundant Ground Consulting. Our Abundant Ground consulting program was launched in 2024 amid big demand among churches exploring the possibility of building affordable housing on their under-utilized land. We’ve served dozens of groups so far, with three churches now actively in the development pipeline. We hope to add five more in 2025. Hundreds of affordable new homes will become available for our neighbors in need.

Public Advocacy. Abundant Ground is mobilizing faith community support for state legislation we helped draft. The statehouse bill HB25-1169 is known as YIGBY—Yes In God’s Back Yard. If passed this year, it will allow Colorado churches and schools to build affordable housing without a prohibitively expensive rezoning process.

Joshua Station Program Staff Expansion. Additional highly-qualified staff will expand our mental health services to include a peer addiction recovery program and psychotherapy in Spanish for our resident children and adults.

Joshua Station Facility Renovation. Our delightfully character-filled repurposed motel needs never-ending attention—just ask Facilities Manager Dylan Skeadas. But an enormous safety project has loomed for years: replacing our rusting exterior walkways and stairs. We’ll need to find alternative housing for JS families during three phases of this expensive and complicated project. We’re all rolling up our sleeves for the extra challenge this year!

Our Largest Initiative—Still To Be Announced. In 2025 we’ll take first steps toward building our next housing community. I can’t say much about that project just yet. But we’ll keep you informed as we work on site control, design, and financing for our next expression of “housing that heals.”

I hope you’re as inspired and encouraged by all this as I am, and considering what part you might play.

Blessings and Peace,

Jeff Johnsen

Executive Director



Help us raise $90,000 for our Joshua Station families by April 10!

Please also join us and invite friends to our

Spring Into Caring Celebration Event

When: Thursday April 10, 5:15-7:00pm

Where: Mile High Ministries, 913 North Wyandot Street, Denver

What: Enjoy heavy appetizers, beverages, and relaxed time with staff in our MHM Great Room. Then we’ll go next door to Joshua Station for dessert with our wonderful residents.

RSVP by Friday April 4:

For more information about this campaign or the celebration event, please contact Jill Gilley by email or phone 303-839-5198 x109.