Loren and Adele – Living Into a Healing Community

Dear Friends,

Can I tell you about Loren and Adele Funk, true Denver peacemakers?

A number of years ago, Adele came to one of our “urban exploration retreat” walking tours with her church and entered into that day with both her mind and her heart. She and Loren already had this beautiful idea simmering inside of them of creating Synergy Village—supportive housing they would share with people who had experienced the crisis of homelessness. Stirred by a desire to experience transformation among the poor, Adele and her husband Loren moved into our Joshua Station community and became resident volunteers for over a year, 2014-2015. They participated in daily life with families who had survived homelessness and possessed real strengths forged in that struggle. The Funks were eager learners with them.

Loren and Adele were able to observe, not from a distance but from within, the art and skill of community building. It requires a lot of grace, forgiveness, and clear boundaries. It takes an understanding of what is healthy for community and what is toxic. Rather than simply reading about best practices or enlisting a consultant, they participated fully.

We are thrilled that Synergy Village is up and thriving! When our residents leave Joshua Station, they don’t need another program in order to “stay on their feet.” They do need a group of loving, supportive friends around them. As a longtime successful building contractor, Loren brought his skills and imagination to a hillside location in West Denver that is now transformed into permanent supportive housing. As essential and thoughtfully designed as the physical townhomes are, even more care goes into building relationships. The community is energized with heart and care cultivated daily by Loren and Adele.

Blessed are you, Loren and Adele, for creating a healing community of peace in our beloved city.

““Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”  —Jesus (Matthew 5:9)


Loren and Adele, among other awardees, will receive the Clara Brown Legacy Award at our Peacemaker Awards Breakfast  Tuesday, October 29, 2019. We’ll be so pleased if you can join us for a taste of this kind of peacemaking community by sharing breakfast and stories together with friends! It’s not a fundraiser this year, simply a celebration of peace.

—Jeff Johnsen, Executive Director

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