YIGBY: “Empowering Churches, Schools, and Other Institutions for Affordable Housing” 

When: Wednesday, February 19, 11:45am – 1:00pm

Where: Mile High Ministries, 913 N Wyandot St, Denver (located next to Joshua Station)

Cost is free, but please register so that we can plan lunch appropriately

Join us for an insightful discussion on the innovative YIGBY (Yes in God’s Back Yard) initiative. YIGBY aims to empower faith-based and educational institutions to address Colorado’s intensifying housing crisis by activating their underutilized land for affordable housing.

YIGBY aligns with broader goals of creating inclusive, affordable neighborhoods, ensuring community members such as teachers, seniors, and veterans can live where they work and thrive.

Discover why Mile High Ministries, through its program Abundant Ground, is helping spearhead this much-needed statewide movement. Come prepared both to share and learn:

  • How can you leverage your wealth of assets, community relationships, and mission to overcome hurdles that local governments have been unable to solve
  • What is being done about local zoning obstacles, including proposed legislation
  • What technical assistance is available for churches, schools, and other local institutions – who don’t have housing expertise – to plan and build
  • How to connect with mission-aligned developers

Our presenters are exceptional, visionary leaders of this initiative:

  • Jessica Dominguez is director of Abundant Ground, our own program that supports the vitality of local congregations by helping them develop affordable housing on under-utilized land.


  • Michelle Warren is a longtime collaborator with Mile High Ministries and president of Virago Strategies, a consulting group that provides strategic direction and project management support alongside communities impacted by racial and economic injustice.

We look forward to time with you over lunch! And please do invite a friend.