Our News
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The Most Important Thing
"I've finally figured out the most important thing you do here." A Joshua Station resident certainly got my attention with that line, and I leaned in for what was next. The most important thing? "You love us, so that we can [...]
Springtime Prayer
As prayerful urban activists, our Mile High Ministries team cultivates an appreciation for the vitality of the human-built environment of our city—a daily urban system buzzing with life. But we never forget that we are even more deeply situated within the [...]
Sights Set High
Aaliyah comes from a very high achieving family. So it’s no surprise that this month, she is graduating from high school. Our whole Joshua Station community is inspired, and we’re celebrating with her!Along with three younger kids in her family, Aaliyah’s [...]
Spring Thanks
Our generous and dedicated donors gave over $84,000 during our Spring Into Action campaign! This will provide timely and vital support for each of our resident families rebuilding from homelessness, in our safe and supportive community at Joshua Station. We didn’t quite [...]
Before I would have given up. Not now, no way.
From everything Sarah Eckenrode heard about Joshua Station, she knew this was the place where she wanted to rebuild her life. In fact, as soon as she heard she would be accepted into the program as a resident, she named her [...]
Enjoy a Video Glimpse of our Families Springing Into Action
“Way more than I ever imagined.” “Genuine community” “A fresh start” Watch and smile with us… https://youtu.be/HbgdEGXqX4A We hope our residents’ voices encourage and inspire your heart—as they do for mine! We’re in the final days of our April “Spring Into [...]
Infectious Gratitude at Joshua Station
LeeAnna has never known Joshua Station without Covid. Which means, she’s never been to our big Thursday night dinners, never hung out with other families in the dining room after cooking her meals in the community kitchen, and never met with [...]
Something Every Single Day
“I just love Jayde,” says Joshua Station family advocate Denise Vaughn. “She’s a wonderful person and we connect on a deep soul level. I admire so many things about her.” Tenacity. Warmth. Thoughtfulness. Caring. Jayde is definitely making the most of [...]