In Our PJs

Jaws dropped, and the littlest pairs of eyes got really big. “Why are there balloons?”

Because it’s a party! Spirits were high among our Joshua Station families walking into the dining area Friday evening—youngsters and adult residents alike. “Events like these make this place feel like a family,” says Anna Pesnell.

Anna has her own reasons to be excited. Last summer, she spent a few weeks at Joshua Station as a visiting volunteer from out of state. It was a profoundly transformative experience in her life. At the end of her time of service, Anna re-upped, big time. She decided to relocate to Colorado in November and move into Joshua Station as a resident volunteer.

“It’s like coming back to a new home,” Anna says. She fell right in stride with the daily and weekly rhythms of life here. “Everyone is friendly and kind. They treat me as family. There aren’t false pretenses here, like other places. People realize everyone here has gone through hard times, and we get to share love and life together. They’re just here to make a better way for their families.”

A gracious group from Church of the Front Range, where our resident Ashley Miller attends, got to experience all this family-ness on our party night because… they brought the party! With the balloons and holiday decorations came pizza, salad, lemonade, and desserts. The web of family was extended. Kids munched and of course rassled on the floor. Parents made new connections with each other across the table.

Afterward we toted popcorn over to the youth activity room and snuggled up to the movie “Elf.” Yep we were in our jammies under blankets… the best it gets this time of year.

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