Clara Brown Commons in High Gear

Dear Friends, 

I have several pieces of very good news to share: 

First, on October 13 we reached the goal of our capital campaign by raising $4.1 million in gifts from generous people like you! We still need additional support to complete the entire development and some special projects – but the successful completion of this campaign enables us to start building while we raise the remaining funds needed.

Next, on November 10 we were awarded $11.4 million in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits from the Colorado Housing Finance Authority. Those tax credits will leverage other funds from the City of Denver and State of Colorado. 

Most recently, on December 2, our first residents moved into the Women’s Tiny Home Village at Clara Brown Commons. Some had been sleeping in stairwells and abandoned warehouses the night before. Now they’ll spend Christmas in REALLY NICE new tiny homes during the construction of our permanent residences that will open in a little over two years—that they also will be eligible for. We’re grateful for the leadership of our partners at Colorado Village Collaborative for creating this safe, supportive space, and the large investment they’ll be making daily to nurture the life of the community going forward. 

We are off and running! We are already meeting with our architects and general contractor, and the design and planning processes are in high gear. We’re also excited about a talented advisory team of residents from the Cole neighborhood, offering multiple perspectives that will be critical—such as a teenaged advisor from a youth perspective, a neighbor who can speak to disability accommodations, and other nearby friends regarding issues of community opportunities and integration. 

Construction on the 61-unit apartment building and 17 townhomes is projected to begin late in 2021. Homes will be ready for occupancy in 2023, followed by construction of the Community Center building where program and mission-relevant retail space will be located. 

Many people have come together to turn a dream into a reality. None are more important than you who have believed and invested in this endeavor here in these early days. The result will be decades of HOME—support, safety, and affordability for families for years to come.

Have a question or thought about this project? I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reply to this email or call me at 303.839.5198, ext. 107.

With much gratitude, 

Jeff Johnsen

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