Gratitude Update – Christmas Store and CO Gives

Celebrating your beautiful generosity this week…

The Christmas Store was a great success. “WOW” was the first word out of the mouth of virtually every first-time shopper who entered the big room of tables piled with brand-new gifts, arranged neatly by age level. Each parent (or couple) had a leisurely 30 minutes to browse gifts – with the whole room to themselves aside from a staff shopper’s helper.

Missing was the usual festive crowd of shoppers and volunteers packing the Joshua Station community room. Repeat shoppers all expressed some version of “It’s ok, thanks for making this safe. This is an amazing blessing for us. We’ll look forward to being with everybody next year.”

Present as usual was the spirit of empowerment and dignity for our families. Parents thoughtfully selected just the right gifts for each child. They paid for the gifts themselves ($5 for gifts averaging $20 in value). They went home with wrapping paper, bows, and ribbon so they could make their presentations special – and harder for wide-eyed kids to wait!

Colorado Gives Day was beyond expectations! “WOW” was also the first word out of the mouth of virtually every staff member upon hearing the 24-hour tally of donations…

Gratitude tumbled through our team’s email thread: Amazing! The donor entry gal is exhausted… which is SUCH a good thing! Really good news!! That’s SO fabulous!!! Praise God!!! So grateful!!! Such a great blessing. I’m so amazed at our generous donors in such a crazy time. Overwhelming!

These donations will go very, very far in providing safe, supportive housing for our families who are healing from their experience of homelessness, and other people in vulnerable situations who are served by our programs. On their behalf, we can’t thank you enough.

If you missed those chances to donate, we welcome you onto the holiday giving train. For each of us, it’s truly a joy to be able to give what we can.

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