For Our Families Near the Edge

So many of our generous donors are pre-scheduling their gifts for Colorado Gives Day. Will you join them today, in support of our resident families transitioning from homelessness? It’s easy online, and any amount is a great help. As we’ve mentioned, gifts received through Colorado Gives next Tuesday, December 8, will be increased thanks to […]

Donor Spotlight – Rebecca Offner

“I’ve been so blessed,” says Rebecca Offner. “The blessings that have rained down on me keep me aware that I’ve had no control over it all.” Rebecca’s thoughts constantly turn to generosity—in fact, it’s the primary reason she decided recently against retirement. “People are in need.” Rebecca met Executive Director Jeff Johnsen after his presentation […]

A Day For Clara Brown

Clara Brown, the Denver pioneer after whom our newest affordable housing project will be named, was born about 220 years ago. “About,” because due to her circumstances in slavery, she didn’t know her birthday. We do know the date of her death—October 23, 1885. Sadly, due to new pandemic restrictions last weekend in Denver, we […]

Bringing Gifts to Joshua Station

Ben Sooy, Joshua Station’s new Manager of Volunteer Services, is eager to get you involved. So many ways you can share in the lives of our families overcoming homelessness! Ben brings long of experience in community development and urban church life—in other cities as well as Denver. After a stint in Capitol Hill, he’s been […]

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