Kelly Sitzman – Infectious Joy

Kelly Sitzman was a Joshua Station super-volunteer. As all of our volunteers are! We’d like to share with you just a little of what made Kelly especially special to our Joshua Station families and staff – and invite you to celebrate her life with us. Kelly poured herself into our little community. She often brought and served a meal […]

Forget Your Perfect Offering

Rebecca’s imperfectly perfect pasta – hiding under blankets People are rallying on behalf of our families! “When I first heard the Joshua Station families now have no kitchen facilities and are basically confined to their small rooms with their kids, I wanted to do something!” Our friend Rebecca Offner knew immediately what she wanted to do—a […]

How You Can Help in this Crisis

Amy Jackson In this momentous time, we’re more committed than ever to making Joshua Station a place where families can heal from homelessness and build their futures. Right now we have 23 families on site—approximately 60 people, 37 of whom are children. The current crisis hits our community very hard. Sadness prompted tears for me as […]


Jeff Johnsen and Frank Tillapaugh In 1971, a young pastor named Frank Tillapaugh began challenging his church to stop referring to pastors as “ministers”—every Christian is a minister, he encouraged, and everyone should prayerfully ask whether God has a place for them on the front lines of ministry outside the walls of the church. Convinced […]

92 Years Ago Today: A Denver Judge’s “Grace Bonfire”

September 16, 1927. A Denver municipal judge finishes his last day in office, loads files from his cabinets into his car, and drives away.  Shortly, he will commit a profound act of civil disobedience. Stopping at the edge of town at 13th Avenue and Umatilla, the soon-to-be-former judge unloads his files from the car into a ditch. Heaped on the pile are legal records of every defendant who has ever appeared before […]

Joshua Station Spring Theatre

Great evening great cause! Joshua Station’s 13th Annual Spring Theater Event features “Beehive” at the beautiful Lone Tree Arts Center – a musical tribute to the soulful women of the 60s. Support our families who have experienced homelessness and are now working toward stable housing and self-sufficiency.

Book Release

In Beyond Our Efforts, Mile High Ministries weaves reflections from contemplative Christian spirituality with community action and an abiding love not only for an urbanizing world, but for special people and places within one unique, beloved city. Blending local history and guided walks with prayer, liturgy, and best practices gathered from thirty years of community work, Beyond Our Efforts celebrates […]

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