Our Biggest Venture Yet

Our Biggest Venture Yet! We are excited announce a new endeavor that many of you have already been praying for: Clara Brown Commons! Clara Brown Commons will be a transformational, supportive housing community with 61 apartments (for rent), 17 townhomes (for sale) and a community center on a full city block in northeast Denver. All […]

We Grieve and We Celebrate

Amid challenging times at Joshua Station and distressing circumstances in our world, we hold in our hands both grief and gladness. We grieve racial injustices, including inequities that bring families to us in need of healing. We grieve the ravages of the pandemic, with the losses it brings to all. Joshua Station families have lost […]

Opening and Welcoming!

We are celebrating seven new families moving into Joshua Station! It’s been a loooong wait for them. Since Joshua Station is not an emergency shelter, but rather a two-year supportive residential program requiring high mutual commitment, we undergo a very rigorous process with our families in determining a “good fit.” Even in the best of […]

The Welcoming Prayer

Welcome, welcome, welcome.I welcome everything that comes to me today because I know it’s for my healing.I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons, situations, and conditions.I let go of my desire for power and control.I let go of my desire for affection, esteem, approval, and pleasure.I let go of my desire for survival and security.I […]

This Juneteenth is Different

Celebrating the date June 19, 1865, when enslaved Africans in Texas learned belatedly of the Emancipation Proclamation (effective January 1, 1863), Denver’s Juneteenth Music Festival is one of the largest observances in the nation. Welton Street is filled with dancing to beats blasting from multiple soundstages, colors of Africa and America, and the aroma of […]

A Letter From Jeff

I’m writing to ask for your generous support to help Mile High Ministries finish our fiscal year (June 30, 2020). Your help will expand our capacity to create transformative community for people who are rebuilding from the experience of poverty and housing insecurity. I’m very conscious that I’m writing to friends who are living in […]

When Needed Most, You Showed Up

Lavish love has poured forth in the form of donations supporting our Joshua Station families during the coronavirus quarantine. What a flood of generosity! From the first message I sent on March 19 about our urgent needs for food, supplies, and finances, you showed up – hundreds of you. Showed up with toilet paper and […]

Healing Play

“I thought it would be impossible,” says Mary Margaret Hagen, Counseling Coordinator for Joshua Station. “How could play therapy even happen without being present with my client?”  During the pandemic, that’s exactly what she’s been doing with children who have experienced trauma. “I’ve really been surprised at how well it can work!” Immediately after Joshua […]

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