Help Us Finish Strong

Dear Friends,

As we approach the end of our fiscal year June 30, I’d like to invite you to help us finish the year strong.

When you give to Mile High Ministries, you are truly an essential part of a movement. You are part of a team that includes enthusiastic volunteers, diligent board members, and a staff experienced in the best practices of community development and social healing.

Together, we are building affordable and healing community for people who struggle against the ravages of poverty. This movement is rooted in a way of seeing our world and those around us. My colleague Amy Jackson often draws upon language from one of Jesus’s parables: “We search for the pearl of great price in our residents, in order to help them see it in themselves and in their neighbors.”

Yes, we provide housing that is safe, we “flood the zone” with practical programs like GED and job readiness. But the core of our work is this search for the “pearl,” the deep treasure within each person and community that God is breathing into life. It cannot be diminished or destroyed by poverty, abuse, or homelessness.

Underlying America’s affordable housing crisis is social isolation—trending across all segments of our culture in this polarized time. The solution is not complicated, though neither is it easy; we must dedicate ourselves to building community that nurtures genuine belonging and is especially attuned to including those on the socio-economic margins.

On behalf of the many people who are finding community as a result of your generosity, thank you!

In Christ,

Jeff Johnsen

Executive Director

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