Is THIS what you’ve been talking about?

We overheard the question, from one resident to another, during our Joshua Station summer activities kickoff. What a fun and glorious day of neighbors enjoying neighbors in our beautiful courtyard! Kids playing together with hula hoops and frisbees. Staff, volunteers, and residents sharing stories. Food and laughter. Pies in staff members faces. (Amy and Benjamin made for exceptional targets.)

“Yes it really is like this!” was the reply. “This is the Joshua Station we know!”

Many of our residents moved into Joshua Station during the pandemic, when families were largely confined to their own units. For them, they have never experienced our “beloved community” except virtually over Zoom. Community dinners and town hall gatherings have been on computer and phone screens, with neighbors’ faces arranged in the little windows. Everyone rose to the challenge, and genuine friendships grew. But old-timers in our program (typically a two-year stay) kept reminding everyone, “If you think it’s good now, just wait—when things open up, you’ll see.”


We’re all looking forward to bigger indoor gatherings soon, but for now summer weather allows us to enjoy many outdoor activities with chances for fostering community. Among other plans through the summer, everyone is excited for our upcoming day camps for youth—daily June 21-July 17. Theme weeks include:

  • Cooking and Culture. Real chefs! More importantly, exploring foods, cultures, and family heritages of Joshua Station.
  • Science. Museum of Nature and Science, astronomy, coding, and cool experiments.
  • Music and Art. Real musicians! …bringing out the real musician in each of us.
  • Outdoors. Nearby city nature walks and Rocky Mountain hikes


Benjamin Armas, our education liaison, is cooking up all these enriching activities with a team of volunteers. Benjamin can REALLY use a few more people to help out—ideally for a week or more, but possibly even for a day or two. Ages of our youth are three through teens. Volunteer training is June 16-18 and includes CPR/first aid/safety, trauma-informed engagement, and strengths-based teamwork. Contact Benjamin by email of you’d like an inspiring and meaningful experience with our wonderful kids and parents!

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