Infectious Gratitude at Joshua Station

LeeAnna has never known Joshua Station without Covid. Which means, she’s never been to our big Thursday night dinners, never hung out with other families in the dining room after cooking her meals in the community kitchen, and never met with her Joshua Station therapist outside of Zoom. She hasn’t shared hugs with staff or volunteers. She loves her neighbors, who she has gotten to know primarily on the screen on her phone, though they are only steps away from her residence unit.

“LeeAnna moved in at a rough time,” says her Joshua Station family advocate Ana Reyes. “She and her son were coming straight out of homelessness. We felt so bad that we couldn’t experience everything we usually have to offer. Honestly in the beginning we were simply doing everything we could literally to help our families stay safe and fed.

“I remember meeting with her outside on a picnic table, in masks, filling out her intake paperwork—fortunately the weather was nice that day. She had the greatest attitude! It was awesome how she came into our community—totally flexible, grateful, and hopeful.”

LeeAnna has worked extra hard to mingle with neighbors however she can, during this time of many health precautions at our facility. Every time we turn around, she’s doing something to help someone—here or elsewhere. Recently she met someone who needed a wheelchair, found one cheap online, and delivered it. All this in the middle of a time of great need in her own life. She also volunteers in an animal rescue shelter, and excitedly shares stories about it in our online gatherings. Her passionate spirit is infectious for residents and staff alike.

LeeAnna has set high goals for herself in the Joshua Station program—with education and employment, personal growth, her family life, and her service to others. All this takes more than wishes and good intentions. “She just keeps showing up and doing the dang thing every day,” Ana says. “Whether it’s taking her son to daycare, finishing college classes, working, or meeting with her therapist. I applaud her”

LeeAnna, we’re all applauding!

In lieu of our annual Spring Theater fundraising event, we’re inviting you to Spring Into Action this year.

Can you help with our $100,000 goal by April 30th? You’ll be helping our families heal from homelessness and make steps forward in Joshua Stations safe, supportive community. We’ve had an outpouring of generosity so far, with a ways to go in the final week. 

Give online or mail your donation to Mile High Ministries, 913 N. Wyandot St., Denver, CO 80204.

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