All You Who are Weary

Are you weary?

Our Mile High Ministries staff is weary. Every morning we gather online for a few minutes of contemplative prayer and to check-in. For some time, and over the last week, in particular, it seems weariness is heard in every voice. On our screens, we see each other wipe away tears.

You won’t have trouble relating to why. Children tug at arms in our work meetings, needing parent-generated motivation for their at-home classes. We wonder aloud how much news we should follow, in a time of agitation. Every stress feels heavier these days. Under our roof are dozens of families barely removed from the trauma of their homelessness, facing pandemic challenges on top of all they’ve been through.

“Honestly guys, without this staff family, and our time each morning—I simply wouldn’t make it. I’m serious,” exclaims our colleague with a very ill husband and a houseful of kids. “I’ve got nobody else holding me up.” We’ve just spent the last minute laughing at silly inside jokes, bouncing around the Zoom screen. The laughter’s good! Now back to tear-wiping, nodding, and more sharing.

In our brief 20 minutes each morning, someone offers an “invitation to silence,” after which we hold five full minutes of shared quiet. Often we quote the simple words of Psalm 146, “Be still, and know that I am God.” In the past week, we’ve been prompted to silence with these words:

Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is well-fitting, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

We’re receiving these words to ourselves, and we commend them to you. This week we invite and encourage you to…

  • Reach out to at least one other open-hearted person to share with—weariness, gratitude, tears, laughter
  • Quiet your spirit
  • Allow yourself to receive the gift of rest


Mile High Ministries Team

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