Falling Into Autumn

Falling Into Autumn


Beauty in life, beauty in death –

arm in arm so close here.

Song of golden aspen, red maple, orange oak.

Graceful dance of falling leaves.

Distant whisper calling birds to come away.

Bountiful harvest blessing.

Bright pumpkin faces.

Canning gifts shared.

Celebrate apple sauce and salsa.

Laughter, awe, and mercy

holding hands.

—Penny Salazar-Phillips

More than any other season, autumn draws me to what is calling from the depths of earth and soul.

Autumn is my favorite time of the year, even though I find it hard to embrace the mysteries of dying that characterize this season. I am grateful for how it reshapes my soul like no other time. I ask myself: how is it that letting go and dying to self could be a process of such breathtaking beauty? I feel part of an ancient call that has been answered by generation after generation.

I can more easily engage this splendor while gazing at the leaves at Joshua Station, turning to release their greenness. Our city becomes an array of color, rivaling any artist’s palette. It is said that autumn is a laborer that works with the maturing sun to bring bountiful harvests, and that happening now in our community garden. In its progression, autumn acts as a gleaner that decomposes summer flowers and produce.

Autumn brings opportunities for each of us in the Mile High Ministries circle – staff, program participants, volunteers, and donors – to take stock:

What do we need to release?

Where do we need to begin anew?

Where, in this vulnerability, is breathtaking beauty?

What may we gather and be nourished by?


Wishing you blessings of the harvest,

–Penny Salazar-Phillips

LIFE (Leaders and Interns Formation Experience at Mile High Ministries)

More autumn-themed reflections, prompted by life and work in our beloved city, can be found in our book Beyond Our Efforts: A Celebration of Denver Peacemaking, p. 158.

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