Not Just the Kids – Our Parents are Back to School

“This is amazing, guys – we’ve never had this many of our parents enrolled in college!” Our monthly Joshua Station Town Hall Meeting is buzzing with school news (on Zoom these days instead of our community room). Program Director Amy Jackson can’t hide her enthusiasm, and our students can’t either.

“I’m starting with my Phlebotomy certificate at Emily Griffith,” a resident beams, as her neighbors’ hands clap in squares throughout the screen. “It will be a foot in the door of the medical field, and I’ll go from there with more training.”

“I’m finishing my coursework and am lining up my practicum and internships,” chimes in another mom. Staff members comment about how incredible it is that she’s taking five classes for 15 credits, with twin toddlers in constant motion – and managing it well. “I just believe so much in my Addiction Studies program, I know it will help me help others going through what I went through. As for my sons, I gotta say, one has been a real challenge recently. But now he’s in play therapy at Joshua Station and I’m amazed how it addresses the very same things I had to address in my recovery. Naming emotions, bad choices, good choices. We’re growing together!”

Maria Sierra, our Employment and Education Specialist, puts another resident on the spot. “I know you’re taking a full load, and you’re so amazingly motivated. And then I see you always reaching out to others.”

This mom has been quiet on the call so far, but this is all the prompt she needs. “I just want to say something to everyone here who’s wondering if they can do it. When I was a child, I was diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD. Doctors said I would never be able to read. I did bad in school. I did start college, and I failed every single class.

“Fast forward to today, and my books are the running joke at the Joshua Station front desk. You guys know! I get books nonstop in the mail. I read everything I can get my hands on. I have high grades in college now.”

“For those of you just starting college, or doing GED prep… YOU CAN DO IT. If I can do it, you can. I failed but kept trying and trying. Anytime you need help, I’m here. Anytime you need encouragement, I’m here.

More hand claps and finger snaps erupt on the Zoom screen. Others speak up, and yes, with all this energy… the education train is rollin’ at Joshua Station.

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