Angel of the Rockies

Clara Brown was an early Colorado pioneer, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who helped make Colorado what it is today. She was born into slavery in Virginia in 1800. She married another slave, Richard, in 1818 and together they had four children: Richard, Margaret, Paulina Ann, and Eliza Jane. In 1835 Clara’s entire family was sold at auction, splitting them up across the south. Clara would spend the rest of her life looking for her family.

She gained her freedom in her 50s and eventually moved to Colorado during the gold rush. She started a successful laundry business in Central City and began investing in real estate and mines.

Clara was a deeply generous woman, always giving to those in need including taking the sick into her home. While she was searching for her family, “Aunt Clara” would use her wealth to help former slaves start new lives and livelihoods in Colorado. 

At the age of 82 Clara was reunited with her youngest daughter, and they spent the last three years of Clara’s life together. She is buried at Riverside Cemetery, just five minutes away from where our affordable housing community will be built in her name.

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