Our Biggest Venture Yet

Our Biggest Venture Yet!

We are excited announce a new endeavor that many of you have already been praying for: Clara Brown Commons!

Clara Brown Commons will be a transformational, supportive housing community with 61 apartments (for rent), 17 townhomes (for sale) and a community center on a full city block in northeast Denver. All CBC homes will be permanently affordable for low income residents – a place to build healthy lives for the long term. CBC will be an ideal home for families who graduate from Joshua Station!

We’ll build this supportive community with tools we’ve been developing for decades, including at Joshua Station: on-site counseling and chaplaincy; mission-driven residential staff and volunteers; community meals; children and youth programming (ECE, after-school tutoring, recreation, counseling and play therapy).

The entire price tag will be $31.7 million. The philanthropic portion of the financing will unlock and leverage significant public and private-based incentives available for such housing projects. We have painstakingly structured the project to be affordable for people whose income is below the Area Median Income (AMI)—with a large portion for households under 30% of AMI. Your generosity will make Clara Brown Commons MUCH more affordable than typical “affordable housing.”

The great news—and current challenge—is that we need to raise just $300,000 to complete the capital campaign and start building Clara Brown Commons!

I’ve lived just down the street from the CBC property for more than 25 years, praying and dreaming with neighbors for something better than blight and violence on that block. Will you prayerfully consider joining us to make this place of hope a reality with your own generous gift?

To help spark your prayers as you consider how to participate, why don’t you come and walk the property with me sometime? As we take in the fresh air, let’s dream together about what it will look like when Clara Brown Commons is one of the best places to live in our part of the city!

In Christ,

Jeff Johnsen

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