We Grieve and We Celebrate

Amid challenging times at Joshua Station and distressing circumstances in our world, we hold in our hands both grief and gladness.

We grieve racial injustices, including inequities that bring families to us in need of healing. We grieve the ravages of the pandemic, with the losses it brings to all. Joshua Station families have lost their jobs, their ability to gather, and some vital services they rely on.

We celebrate! We celebrate the courage of our resilient families, as they are accustomed to overcoming challenges in their lives.

We celebrate seven new families moving into Joshua Station who have said YES to transformation during a two-year process of community life, employment and education classes, counseling, and family advocacy. We welcome these families with open arms (from a masked distance), with anticipation for what each one brings!

We celebrate Martha, who lost her job when Covid-19 hit. Yet, she stayed connected to her employment and education classes at Joshua Station to remain on top of her skills. She remained steadfast in her job search. She was offered her old job back as businesses began to re-open, but then with downtown protests, her place of employment is once again closed. Throughout this roller coaster Martha is determined to stay hopeful, healthy, and strong for her kids.

We celebrate gardening, as our Joshua Station families get their hands into the soil. Clearing away weeds and debris from last season, they make way for new life. Kids, moms, and dads witness the transformation of a seed into a flourishing tomato plant, nurtured by their focused care and attention. Much like the transformation that happens in each of our lives! “Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” –Jesus, in John 12:24

We mourn with you during these hard times and invite you to celebrate these good gifts with us.

Blessings and peace,


Amy Jackson, MSW

Deputy Director, Mile High Ministries

Program Director, Joshua Station

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