Kelly Sitzman – Infectious Joy

Kelly Sitzman was a Joshua Station super-volunteer. As all of our volunteers are! We’d like to share with you just a little of what made Kelly especially special to our Joshua Station families and staff – and invite you to celebrate her life with us.

Kelly poured herself into our little community. She often brought and served a meal for all our families at once. She delivered holiday baskets. She also did a “complete home makeover” of our residence unit 129 in 2005 for an incoming family. When the family graduated a couple years later, Kelly did a full makeover again. And again and again! Fifteen years of families arriving fresh from homelessness, then working toward stable lives, and finally moving onward. “It makes my heart feel good,” Kelly would say.

Just imagine all the healing, hope, and coziness in that single space! What’s more, Kelly took the opportunity to know every single family who stayed in that room – usually building long-term friendships. The current family in 129 is taking the news of Kelly’s passing pretty hard this week, and we share in their sorrow.

“Spruce-A-Room” volunteers are vital to creating a sense of home at Joshua Station, beyond simply shelter. Before each new family moves into Joshua Station, their room has undergone a complete transformation. New furniture, bedding, window treatments, lamps, wall décor, towels and bath supplies… the works. Each child’s bedroom nook is custom tailored age-appropriately. Kelly wanted each family to feel unique and special.

When a family opens their door for the very first time at Joshua Station, tears of amazement flow. And when they graduate from our program (typically after a couple years) they are encouraged to take everything they need to make their next step of stable housing into home.

With all who have been touched by Kelly’s rich life, we mourn this transition and celebrate what will endure. While praying for her family, we’re confident that Kelly rests in complete peace, having returned to the Light from whence she came.

Just a few staff reflections…

Kelly’s every expression was one of joy. She just exuded JOY in showing up with her whole self and developing relationships (with residents) that were rich and enduring. – Denise

Kelly embodied hope, grace and love; she shared these gifts with all of the families that called unit 129 home. I am so grateful to have known Kelly; she is deeply missed! – Heather

I’m personally a better person for having known her, and Joshua Station is a better place for having known her. She brought shalom with every step she took. – Penny

Kelly’s joy and dedication to serving the families at Joshua Station came flowing out of her whenever she was on the property.  Two seconds after meeting her you could tell she was so happy to give her time and energy to our residents and their rooms.  Her energy was infectious! Her lists for maintenance in the room she was working on were twice as long as anyone else’s. Kelly was right – our families deserve the love that she poured into the room every time. I miss her! – Dylan

Her fingerprints surely remain. – Maria

Read more about Kelly’s life and love for others…

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