How the Light Comes – Greetings from MHM Staff

How the Light Comes – Greetings from MHM Staff

Warmest greetings
as you and we
open to the light of Love
this Christmas season.

—The Mile High Ministries Team  

How the Light Comes

I cannot tell you

how the light comes.

What I know

is that it is more ancient

than imagining.

That it loves

searching out

what is hidden,

what is lost,

what is forgotten

or in peril

or in pain.

That it has a fondness

for the body,

for finding its way

toward flesh,

for tracing the edges

of form,

for shining forth

through the eye,

the hand,

the heart.

I cannot tell you

how the light comes,

but that it does.

That it will.

And so

may we this day

turn ourselves toward it.

May we lift our faces

to let it find us.

May we bend our bodies

to follow the arc it makes.

May we open

and open more

and open still

to the blessed light

that comes.

—Jan Richardson, Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons

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