Doing Our Part – Denver’s Emergency Declaration and Ambitious Housing Initiative

Doing Our Part – Denver’s Emergency Declaration and Ambitious Housing Initiative

Incoming Denver Mayor Mike Johnston has made addressing the homelessness crisis his top priority, and invited faith communities to take an active and leading role. Mile High Ministries is responding to that call.

For us, of course, nothing could be more congruent with who we are as an organization. As followers of Jesus, our focus has always been with those outside of social privilege—including people with nowhere to lay their heads (Matthew 8:19–20; Luke 9:57–58). Strategically and practically, the focus of our work has become supportive housing. You’ve been part of that beautiful effort in creating Joshua Station and Clara Brown Commons.

The day after the inauguration July 17, the mayor’s Senior Advisor for Homelessness Resolution Cole Chandler asked Mile High Ministries to gather faith leaders in our circles who might be ready for thoughtful, prayerful action together. From this small spark, and sparks from others, has grown a blaze of collaboration reaching far beyond our initial group of friends.

Our team members Jessica Dominguez, Joseph Dominguez, and Haley Andreades Vermeer are active in leadership and service with the mayor’s group. Urgently, the city has formally declared a state of emergency and launched an ambitious goal of helping 1,000 unhoused people move off the streets by December 31—an effort dubbed House1000. Two task groups have emerged, and we’re involved with both on a weekly basis: Supplies (items people will need moving into housing), and Locations (identifying new places for housing).

“The mayor really is calling us people of faith to a moral movement to meet this challenge,” Jessica says. “It’s a movement of discipleship. We’re coming together in love for our neighbors in response to God’s call. We’re working to overcome the fears and misunderstandings many people have about homelessness, and engaging sincere, honest concerns about exactly where our unhoused neighbors might make their homes. We’re leaning into this great opportunity to make a real difference!”

A couple weeks ago, Mayor Johnston issued a letter of affirmation and thanks for our growing group—with hopes it would inspire others to join the effort. (Text of the letter is below.) Might YOU, your church, or other faith group be inspired as well? If so, I’d invite you to contact  Jessica Dominguez for more information about how to become involved in this important work with us.

In Christ,

Jeff Johnsen
Executive Director

Denver the Mile High City Logo


September 15, 2023

Dear Faith Based Community,

The city government cannot do this work alone – it’s going to take all of us from across the city to work together to deliver on our goal housing 1,000 Denverites. I’m proud to invite all faith communities to join our work by committing to pray for its success, learning more about the needs of our neighbors, and volunteering to support this initiative.

I’d like to share my gratitude with all of you in this effort. It is astounding what we can do when we support each other to make a difference in our city and create a truly vibrant Denver.


Mayor Johnston

Faith based organizations currently supporting House1000:

Catholic Charities

Church in the City

City Unite

Cities Project

Colorado Multiethnic Coalition

Confluence Ministries

Cross Purpose

Crossroads Church of Denver

CO Churches

Denver Dream Center

Denver Health

Denver United

Epitome of Black Excellence & Partnership

Faith Bridge Colorado

Hebrew Educational Alliance

Issachar Center for Urban Leadership

Journey Point

Justice & Mercy Legal Aid Center

Living Water Cristian Church

Mile High Ministries

Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church

New Hope Baptist Church

Open Door Ministries


Riverside Church

Rocky Mountain Refuge

St. Thomas Episcopal Church

St. Andrews

The Northeast Denver Islamic Center/Masjid Taqwa

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Church of Scientology Denver

Together Colorado

Virago Strategies

West Colfax Lamp Stand

Mayor Johnston Office
1437 Bannock St #350, Denver, CO 80202

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